Hey all!
It's time for another update, and as decided from the recent poll, this time the update is focused on hanging signs and remaining chests.
What's New?
In a nutshell, every single hanging signs and trapped chests variants are now in the resource pack.
Trapped chests
Trapped chests were fun to make, baking AO for them took a bit of time because their texture is quite big, nonetheless trapped chests offer same quality as chests with the addition of the redstone highlight near the lock.
Hanging signs
All the hanging signs are now complete, just like other signs the hanging signs follow the same style and the chain's material information in the hanging sign is the same as regular chain, so the texture will look consistent if placed side by side.
Changes to sponges
The porosity and smoothness of the sponge and wet_sponge were slightly changed to improve the textures.
And that's it for this blog, as always thanks to all the Patreon and Gumraod supporters, I'll try my best to provide you more quality updates of this project and take account of any feedback.
Make sure to subscribe so you won't miss out the next one!